This scope of work involves doing and being with our hands. Some of us want to build, dig, plant, paint, and the like to express joy in service.
This work is helping community find peace through working to feed hungry bellies, replenish those who are thirsty and serve those who need compassion. Peace comes in many ways. This is creative work. This is empowering to all.
True community happens when we dare to listen to other’s stories and speak for those without a voice. Those who work to strengthen relationships may not have as many blisters on their hands, but they’re doing incredible work.
Let’s talk about what freedom is, like the definition.
Freedom is being able to choose who, what, when, where and how you want to be.
Freedom for all, freedom for me, freedom for us, freedom for you.
Freedom is always free, freedom will never have a fee.
Freedom may look different, but that’s the beauty of it.
Freedom can be messy, rough and tough to achieve.
It all pays off in the end when you finally reach that point.
When freedom is a reality, a way of being and not just a dream.
Janiyah, 12th grade student at East Forsyth High School
Written during the weekend of MLK Jr. Day 2025 during a service-learning opportunity with Crosby Scholars.